In the 61 years since then, the church has been served by 16 different pastors – many of them part-time or bi-vocational. “Springville Naz” (as the church is often called) is affiliated with a group of churches known internationally as The Church of the Nazarene. With over 31,000 churches in 165 countries around the globe, the Nazarene movement traces its roots to the camp meetings of the late 19th century and the spontaneous beginning of churches preaching biblical holiness. With General Church headquarters in the Kansas City, MO area, the church is organized into 6 regions: the U.S./Canada Region, the Mesoamerica Region, the South America Region, the Eurasia Region, the Asia-Pacific Region, and the Africa Region. Within each region are Districts led by a District Superintendent and an elected Advisory Board. Springville Naz is a part of the Central California District, composed of 69 Nazarene churches up and down the Central Valley. Pastor Mark Leeper has been pastoring the congregation since December 2010.