December mission-of-the-month


Once again this Christmas, our December mission-of-the-month will be to help provide clean water through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries’ WASH (WAter,Sanitation,Hygiene) program to those who live in communities served by Nazarene churches around the globe. Over 2 billion people around the world do not have access to clean and safe water at home. As a result, one of the leading causes of death in low-income communities is illness due to waterborne disease, lack of sanitation,and poor hygiene practices. In some places, children and women walk hours each day to gather water instead of going to school or spending time on other productive activities. If you would like to make a difference, please designate your donation (payable to Springville Church of the Nazarene) for “Clean Water” and mail it to P.O. Box 256, Springville, CA 93265 or donate online at