July mission-of-the-month


Our July mission-of-the-month is “Sweet Cases”-duffle bags for foster kids in Tulare County, in partnership with Together We Rise. Usually foster children are given 2 trash bags in which to carry their belongings into a new foster home. This unique ministry conveys dignity and significance to each child as they are given a decorated and filled duffle bag instead. Interested in helping a child? Cost per duffle bag is $27.50, although a donation of any amount is gladly received. Donations by check may be made payable to Springville Church of the Nazarene, designated “Sweet Cases” and mailed to: P.O. Box 256 Springville, CA 93265. Or you may donate online through tithe.ly (select Springville Church of the Nazarene) and designate your donation “Other” and write in “Sweet Cases”. Thank you!